Edstem Login

Edstem Login Invite

Please enrol in the course on edstem using your UNSW email address using this join link https://edstem.org/au/join/H9224J.

Note: You need to use an email address of the format *@unsw.edu.au or *@*.unsw.edu.au to be permitted to enrol on edstem.

Edstem Login Issues

Occasionally, students have issues logging into Ed.

The issue is that Edstem uses the user id provided to create an Edstem account for that user. It sounds harmless enough but the following is just one example of what can happen.

Assume one course invites a student to edstem using z1234567@unsw.edu.au, and another course invites the student as joe.blogs@student.unsw.edu.au, and another course invites the student as z1234567@ad.unsw.edu.au, and yet another course invites the student as z1234567@student.unsw.edu.au. These are all the same mailbox at UNSW. However, on Ed, the student now has four separate accounts unrelated to each other. If the student logs into Ed using one address, they will not see the courses associated with the other addresses.

Some of the symptoms that you might see are:

So if you can't login to Ed using the email address you are trying, or you can log in and can't see the OS course, then attempt the following fix.

Login using UNSW login

You are now logged into a UNSW account.

Merge IDs

Hopefully you will be prompted that you have a duplicate account. Ed will then lead you through the merge process so you can have all your UNSW courses under the one primary user ID.

Feel free to provide feedback on success or failure of this approach as Ed's behaviour evolves each year and this advice may need to change.